Forecasting US inflation with random forests¶
Inflation forecasts are used for informing economic decisions at various levels, from households to businesses and policymakers. The application of machine learning methods to inflation forecasting offers several potential advantages, including the ability to handle large and complex datasets, capture nonlinear relationships, and adapt to changing economic conditions.
Several recent papers have studied the performance of machine learning models for forecasting US inflation using the FRED-MD dataset [1]. The FRED-MD dataset includes over 100 monthly time series belonging to 8 different groups of US macroeconomic indicators: output and income, labour market, consumption and orders, orders and inventory, money and credit, interest rates and exchange rates, prices, and stock market. For a detailed overview of the FRED-MD dataset, we refer to our previous post.
In this post, we will focus on the random forest model introduced in [2], which was found to outperform both standard univariate forecasting models such as the autoregressive (AR) model and several other machine learning methods including Lasso, Ridge and Elastic Net regressions. We will use the random forest model for forecasting the US CPI monthly inflation, which we define as the month-over-month logarithmic change in the US CPI index as in [2].
For simplicity, we will consider only one-month-ahead forecasts. We will use the random forest model for predicting next month's inflation based on the past values of all FRED-MD indicators, including the past inflation. We will evaluate the model using an expanding window approach: on each month we will train the model using all the available data up to that month, and generate the forecast for next month. We use the data from January 2015 to January 2024 for our analysis. Our findings indicate that, over the considered time period, the random forest model outperforms the AR model under different measures of forecast error.
A random forest is an ensemble of decision trees. A decision tree approximates the relationship between the target and the features by splitting the feature space into different subsets, and generating a constant prediction for each subset. In the regression case, which is the one relevant to this post, the constant prediction is the average of the target values in the subset. A decision tree can be seen as a nonparametric regression model, where the regression function that links the target to the features is estimated using a piecewise constant approximation.
The partition of the feature space is determined in a recursive manner during the process of growing the tree. At the beginning of this process, the tree contains only one node, referred to as root note, which includes the full dataset. In the root node, the target is predicted with the average of all target observations in the dataset. After that, the dataset is recursively split into smaller and smaller subsets referred to as nodes, where each newly created node (child) is a subsample of a previously existing node (parent). At each node, the target is predicted with the average of the target observations in that node.
The splits used for creating the nodes are determined through an optimization process which minimizes a given loss function under a number of constraints, such as that each node should contain a minimum number of samples. A common loss function is the mean squared error of the node's prediction, which is equal to the variance of the target values in the node, and which therefore tends to result in nodes containing similar target values.
As the tree grows, finer and finer partitions of the feature space are created, reducing the error of the predictions. This process continues until a pre-specified condition is met, such as that all terminal nodes, referred to as leaves, contain at least a minimum number of observations, or that the depth of the tree, as determined by the number of nodes or recursive splits from the root node to the leaves, has reached a maximum value.
Decision trees are prone to overfitting. A deep enough tree can potentially isolate each target value in one leaf, in which case the model predictions exactly match the target values observed during training, but are unlikely to provide a good approximation for new unseen data that was not used for training. Decision trees are also not very robust to the input data, as small changes in the training data can potentially result in completely different tree structures.
Random forests address these limitations by creating an ensemble of decision trees which are trained on different random subsets of the training data (sample bagging) using different random subsets of features (feature bagging). The random forest predictions are then obtained by averaging the individual predictions of the trees in the ensemble. The mechanisms of sample bagging and feature bagging reduce the correlation between the predictions of the different trees, making the overall ensemble more robust and less prone to overfitting [3].

Schematic representation of random forest algorithm, adapted from [4].
As discussed in our previous post, FRED-MD is a large, open-source, dataset of monthly U.S. macroeconomic indicators maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The FRED-MD dataset is updated on a monthly basis. The monthly releases are referred to as vintages. Each vintage includes the data from January 1959 up to the previous month. For instance, the 02-2024 vintage contains the data from January 1959 to January 2024.
The vintages are subject to retrospective adjustments, such as seasonal adjustments, inflation adjustments and backfilling of missing values. For this reason, different vintages can potentially report different values for the same time series on the same date. Furthermore, different vintages can include different time series, as indicators are occasionally added and removed from the dataset.
We use all vintages from 2025-01 to 2024-02 for our analysis, which is a real-time forecasting exercise. On each month, we train the model using the data in the vintage released on that month, and generate the forecast for the next month. We then compare the forecast to the data in the vintage released on the subsequent month.
As in [2], we include among the features the first 4 principal components, which are estimated on all the time series, and the first 4 lags of all the time series, including the lags of the principal components and the lags of the target time series. This results in approximately 500 features, even though the exact number of features changes over time, depending on how many time series are included in each vintage.

US CPI index (FRED: CPIAUCSL) and corresponding month-over-month logarithmic change. Source: FRED-MD dataset, 02-2024 vintage.
We start by importing the dependencies.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import root_mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
from scipy.stats import median_abs_deviation
After that, we define a number of auxiliary functions for downloading and processing the FRED-MD dataset. As discussed in our previous post, the FRED-MD dataset includes a set of transformations to be applied to the time series in order to ensure their stationarity, which are implemented in the function below.
def transform_series(x, tcode):
Transform the time series.
x: pandas.Series
Time series.
tcode: int.
Transformation code.
if tcode == 1:
# no transformation
return x
elif tcode == 2:
# first order absolute difference
return x.diff()
elif tcode == 3:
# second order absolute difference
return x.diff().diff()
elif tcode == 4:
# logarithm
return np.log(x)
elif tcode == 5:
# first order logarithmic difference
return np.log(x).diff()
elif tcode == 6:
# second order logarithmic difference
return np.log(x).diff().diff()
elif tcode == 7:
# first order relative difference
return x.pct_change()
raise ValueError(f"unknown `tcode` {tcode}")
We then define a function for downloading and processing the data. In this function, we download the FRED-MD dataset for the considered vintage, transform the time series using the provided transformation codes (with the exception of the target time series, for which we use the first order logarithmic difference), derive the principal components, and take the lags of all the time series. As in [2], we use the data after January 1960, and we only use the time series without missing values.
def get_data(date, target_name, target_tcode, n_lags, n_components):
Download and process the data.
date: pandas.Timestamp.
The date of the dataset vintage.
target_name: string.
The name of the target time series.
target_tcode: int.
The transformation code of the target time series.
n_lags: int.
The number of autoregressive lags.
n_components: int.
The number of principal components.
train_data: pandas.DataFrame.
The training dataset.
test_data: pandas.DataFrame.
The inputs to the one-month-ahead forecasts.
# get the dataset URL
file = f"{date.year}-{format(date.month, '02d')}.csv"
# get the time series
data = pd.read_csv(file, skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
data.columns = [c.upper() for c in data.columns]
# process the dates
data = data.loc[pd.notna(data.index), :]
data.index = pd.date_range(start="1959-01-01", freq="MS", periods=len(data))
# get the transformation codes
tcodes = pd.read_csv(file, nrows=1, index_col=0)
tcodes.columns = [c.upper() for c in tcodes.columns]
# override the target's transformation code
tcodes[target_name] = target_tcode
# transform the time series
data = data.apply(lambda x: transform_series(x, tcodes[].item()))
# select the data after January 1960
data = data[data.index >= pd.Timestamp("1960-01-01")]
# drop the incomplete time series
data = data.loc[:, data.isna().sum() == 0]
# add the principal components
pca = Pipeline([("scaling", StandardScaler()), ("decomposition", PCA(n_components=n_components))])
data[[f"PC{i}" for i in range(1, 1 + n_components)]] = pca.fit_transform(data)
# extract the training data; this includes the target time series and the lags of
# all time series; the missing values resulting from taking the lags are dropped
train_data = data[[target_name]].join(data.shift(periods=list(range(1, 1 + n_lags)), suffix="_LAG"))
train_data = train_data.iloc[n_lags:, :]
# extract the test data; this includes the last `n_lags` values (e.g. the last 4
# values) of all time series; the time index is shifted forward by one month to
# match the date for which the forecasts are generated
test_data = data.shift(periods=list(range(0, n_lags)), suffix="_LAG")
test_data = test_data.iloc[-1:, :]
test_data.index += pd.offsets.MonthBegin(1)
test_data.columns = [c.split("_LAG_")[0] + "_LAG_" + str(int(c.split("_LAG_")[1]) + 1) for c in test_data.columns]
return train_data, test_data
We also define a function for downloading and processing the target time series. We will use this function for obtaining the realized target values against which we will compare the forecasts.
def get_target(start_date, end_date, target_name, target_tcode):
Extract the target time series from a range of dataset vintages.
start_date: pandas.Timestamp.
The date of the first vintage.
end_date: pandas.Timestamp.
The date of the last vintage.
target_name: str.
The name of the target time series.
target_tcode: int.
The transformation code of the target time series.
targets: pandas.DataFrame.
The target time series between the start and end date.
# create a list for storing the target values
targets = []
# loop across the dataset vintages
for date in tqdm(pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq="MS")):
# get the dataset URL
file = f"{date.year}-{format(date.month, '02d')}.csv"
# get the time series
data = pd.read_csv(file, skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
data.columns = [c.upper() for c in data.columns]
# process the dates
data = data.loc[pd.notna(data.index), :]
data.index = pd.date_range(start="1959-01-01", freq="MS", periods=len(data))
# select the target time series
data = data[[target_name]]
# transform the target time series
data[target_name] = transform_series(data[target_name], target_tcode)
# select the last value
# concatenate the target values in a data frame
targets = pd.concat(targets, axis=0)
return targets
Finally, we define a function for training the random forest model and generating the one-month-ahead forecasts.
def run_random_forest_model(params, train_data, test_data, target_name):
Run the random forest model.
params: dict.
The random forest hyperparameters.
train_data: pandas.DataFrame.
The training dataset.
test_data: pandas.DataFrame.
The inputs to the one-month-ahead forecasts.
target_name: str.
The name of the target time series.
forecasts: pandas.Series.
The one-month-ahead forecasts.
# instantiate the model
model = RandomForestRegressor(**params)
# fit the model
X=train_data.drop(labels=[target_name], axis=1),
# generate the forecasts
forecasts = pd.Series(
return forecasts
We define a similar function for the AR model, which we will use as a benchmark.
def run_autoregressive_model(n_lags, train_data, test_data, target_name):
Run the autoregressive model.
n_lags: int.
The number of autoregressive lags.
train_data: pandas.DataFrame.
The training dataset.
test_data: pandas.DataFrame.
The inputs to the one-month-ahead forecasts.
target_name: str.
The name of the target time series.
forecasts: pandas.Series.
The one-month-ahead forecasts.
# instantiate the model
model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)
# fit the model
X=train_data[[f"{target_name}_LAG_{i}" for i in range(1, n_lags + 1)]],
# generate the forecasts
forecasts = pd.Series(
data=model.predict(X=test_data[[f"{target_name}_LAG_{i}" for i in range(1, n_lags + 1)]]),
return forecasts
Lastly, we define a function for iterating over the dataset vintages, downloading and processing the data, fitting the random forest and AR models to the data, and generating the one-month-ahead forecasts. For comparison purposes, we also include the random walk (RW) model, which always predicts that next month's inflation will be the same as the current month's inflation.
def get_forecasts(params, start_date, end_date, target_name, target_tcode, n_lags, n_components):
Generate the forecasts over a range of dataset vintages.
params: dict.
The random forest hyperparameters.
start_date: pandas.Timestamp.
The date of the first vintage.
end_date: pandas.Timestamp.
The date of the last vintage.
target_name: str.
The name of the target time series.
target_tcode: int.
The transformation code of the target time series.
n_lags: int.
The number of autoregressive lags.
n_components: int.
The number of principal components.
forecasts: pandas.DataFrame.
The forecasts between the start and end date.
# create a list for storing the forecasts
forecasts = []
# loop across the dataset vintages
for date in tqdm(pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq="MS")):
# get the data
train_data, test_data = get_data(date, target_name, target_tcode, n_lags, n_components)
# generate the forecasts
"RF": run_random_forest_model(params, train_data, test_data, target_name),
"AR": run_autoregressive_model(n_lags, train_data, test_data, target_name),
"RW": train_data[target_name].iloc[-1].item()
# concatenate the forecasts in a data frame
forecasts = pd.concat(forecasts, axis=0)
return forecasts
We are now ready to run the analysis. We start by defining the target name, which is the FRED name of the US CPI index (CPIAUCSL), the target transformation code, which is 5 for first order logarithmic difference, and the dates of the first and last vintages used for the analysis.
target_name = "CPIAUCSL"
target_tcode = 5
start_date = pd.Timestamp("2015-01-01")
end_date = pd.Timestamp("2024-01-01")
After that, we generate the one-month-ahead forecasts over the considered time window. For the random forest model, we set the number of trees in the ensemble equal to 500, the maximum fraction of randomly selected features equal to 1 / 3, and the minimum number of samples in a terminal node or leaf equal to 5, as in [2]. For the autoregressive model, we use the same number of lags used by the random forest model which, as discussed above, is equal to 4.
forecasts = get_forecasts(
"n_estimators": 500,
"max_features": 1 / 3,
"min_samples_leaf": 5,
"random_state": 42,
"n_jobs": -1


We now download the realized target values.
targets = get_target(
start_date=start_date + pd.offsets.MonthBegin(1),
end_date=end_date + pd.offsets.MonthBegin(1),


Lastly, we calculate the forecast error. We use the root mean squared error (RMSE), the mean absolute error (MAE) and the median absolute deviation (MAD) as measures of forecast error.
errors = pd.DataFrame()
for model in forecasts.columns:
errors[model] = [
root_mean_squared_error(y_true=targets[target_name], y_pred=forecasts[model]),
mean_absolute_error(y_true=targets[target_name], y_pred=forecasts[model]),
median_abs_deviation(x=targets[target_name] - forecasts[model])
errors.index = ["RMSE", "MAE", "MAD"]

We find that the random forest model outperforms both the AR model and the RW model in terms of all considered error metrics.

Month-over-month logarithmic change in the US CPI index (FRED: CPIAUCSL) with random forest (RF) forecasts.
[1] McCracken, M. W., & Ng, S. (2016). FRED-MD: A monthly database for macroeconomic research. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 34(4), 574-589. doi: 10.1080/07350015.2015.1086655.
[2] Medeiros, M. C., Vasconcelos, G. F., Veiga, Á., & Zilberman, E. (2021). Forecasting inflation in a data-rich environment: the benefits of machine learning methods. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39(1), 98-119. doi: 10.1080/07350015.2019.1637745.
[3] Breiman, L. (2001). Random forests. Machine learning, 45, 5-32. doi: 10.1023/A:101093340432.
[4] Janosh Riebesell. (2022). janosh/tikz: v0.1.0 (v0.1.0). Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7486911.